Effects If You Drink Milk Everyday – Is It A Gain or Loss?
DRINK MILK EVERYDAY – Are you wondering what milk can do for the human body if you take a glass of it daily?
To stay healthy, not only the foods you consume daily must be given attention but as well as the drinks or the liquid that comes into your body. What is your favorite drink that you can’t go a day without?
When it comes to healthy drinks, so far two (2) of those that would top the lists are milk and tea. Are either or both of them part of your diet?
Let us talk about milk. When it comes to this healthy drink, there are two (2) extreme sides – some people can’t live a day without it while others can’t stand their taste and they can never take even just half of the glass of it. Do you love drinking milk?

There are individuals who drink milk everyday. However, aside from the fact that it is a good source of calcium, there are not much other details known about this healthy drink.
If you are one of those who drink milk everyday or are planning to make it a part of your diet, here are some of what you need to know about this healthy drink:
- Packed with nutrients. Based on an article on Healthline, milk is packed with a lot of nutrients including calorie, protein, fat, calcium, riboflavin (B2), potassium, phosphoris, selenium, and Vitamins B12 and D.
- Good source of quality protein. Just a cup of milk already contains eight (8) grams of protein which is essential for the body’s vital functioning including the repair of cells, growth and development, and the regulation of the immune system.
- Good for the bones. When it comes to what can make the bone healthy, milk will surely top the list. Its powerful combination of calcium, protein, potassium, and Vitamin K12 is the reason behind it.
- Lowers possibility of weight gain. Some studies found that drinking milk reduces the risk of obesity.
To drink milk everyday is a healthy move but not for everyone. Based on the article, it is not a good idea for lactose intolerant individuals as their stomach may not be able to digest it well. If you have dietary restrictions, it is also best to check it first with your doctor.
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