Bartholin Cyst – Causes and How To Manage The Symptoms

What is a Bartholin cyst and how can you manage the symptoms?

BARTHOLIN CYST – Here are some things to know about Bartholin Cyst, a common condition that occurs in women of reproductive age.

Bartholin’s (BAHR-toe-linz) glands are located on each side of the opening of a woman’s private part. These are the glands that produce a liquid that lubricates the vagina. There are times when the opening of the glands gets obstructed which causes the Bartholin’s cyst.

This type of cyst is common and the treatment will depend on the condition and size of the cyst and occurs on one side only. Commonly, this just goes away on its own and what it needs is home treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Bartholin Cyst
Photo from Topline MD

This cyst comes small and noninfected but if becomes totally infected, you may experience the following:

  • tender, painful lump near the opening
  • discomfort while walking or sitting
  • pain during intercourse
  • fever

Injury, irritation, or extra growth of skin in the vulvar area is one of the causes of this. Others are chlamydia, gonorrhea, or STI, and some bacterial infections.

According to a post from Cleveland Clinic, here are some ways to treat this:

  1. Sitz baths – this provides healing and eases the painful symptoms caused by the swelling. It can also help the cyst to burst on its own.
  2. OTC and pain medications – this is for the pain and discomfort
  3. Antibiotics – this is when the cyst becomes infected
  4. Surgical draining – this is done to safely and completely drain the cyst
  5. Marsupialization – this is a surgery that is done to open and drain it
  6. Gland removal – this is done if other treatments do not work and this happens rarely

This happens to women in their 20s or women of reproductive age and as you age, you are less likely to develop this. If a woman who is over 40 gets this, she needs to be examined by an expert right away as this might indicate something serious.

There is not a single way to prevent this but safety measures while doing intercourse and good hygiene can help.


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