Guide on Mangosteen Benefits for the Human Body
MANGOSTEEN BENEFITS – Here are some things you may yet to know about the mangosteen fruit which is a favorite of some people.
Some of the fruits are quite less popular compared with the other fruits but they actually have a lot to offer. One of them is mangosteen which is known for its health benefits.
Also known as “purple mangosteen”, the mangosteen fruit is a product of a tropical evergreen tree that is native to the Indian Ocean. There are no firm details on its origin but it grows in several including Florida, Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Aside from its delicious taste, there are a lot of mangosteen benefits for the human body.

Based on an article on Healthline, here is a list of some of the mangosteen benefits for the human body:
- Powerhouse of Vitamins and Nutrients – Mangosteen contains protein, manganese, magnesium, copper, and Vitamins B1, B2, and B9.
- High in power antioxidants – The antioxidants help fight the free radicals which are linked to a lot of chronic diseases that can grow in the body.
- Anti-inflammatory properties – Mangosteen contains xanthones which can help reduce the inflammation. It is also rich in fiber that is linked by some studies in reducing inflammation.
- Reduces risk of cancer – There are several components in mangosteen including xanthones that helps in lowering the risk of cancer.
- Helps regular blood sugar – Based on the article, studies found that the mangosteen fruit can help maintain a healthy blood sugar. The fiber content of the fruit can also do the same function and control diabetes.
- Boosts immune system – The fruit is rich in fiber and Vitamin C which are both vital for a healthy immune system.
- Promotes healthy skin – The antioxidants and the anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit are the main reasons making it healthy for the skin.
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