What are the habits you do that cause weight gain and what you can do to prevent this from happening?
WEIGHT GAIN – Many of us face a dilemma about unwanted weight gain and these are the things you can do to avoid this.
Gaining weight is a problem for many of us, especially adults. The accumulated weight we gain every year piles up and the next thing we know, our favorite jeans or shirt no longer fit us. It is a fact that getting older turns our metabolism slows down.

As we age, we get slower metabolism and do not make the necessary moves to improve it, this can lead to unwanted situations like being overweight or obese. Its rate decreases by 10 percent each decade after age 20.
And this is one of the reasons why we gain weight even though we don’t each much more than we usually do.
The thing about weight is that it is easy to gain it but very difficult to take it off.
To understand things happening such as this, we must know first the factors causing it before finding solutions to resolve it.
Here are the culprits behind unwanted gained weight:
- Eating too many highly processed foods which are packed in calories but almost zero in essential nutrients.
- Too much sugar from sugary foods and drinks like candy, cakes, soda, sports drinks, ice cream, iced tea, and sweetened coffee drink.
- Having a sedentary lifestyle also contributes to unintentional gain in your weight.
- Insufficient sleep can trigger this as well.
- You don’t consume enough whole foods.
- You stress too much and feeling too much stress can increase your hunger, eventually resulting in gaining weight.
- Overeating! Eating more calories than you burn will likely cause excess weight.
- According to a post from WebMd, certain conditions may cause this such as hypothyroidism, depression, insomnia, menopause, PCOS, congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and others.
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