Here’s how to know the calorie count you needed in order to shed off some pounds.
CALORIES – If you are a male or a female, here’s how much calories you need to take everyday in order to lose some weight.
Calories is a unit of energy to which refers to your energy consumption from the beverages you drink, foods you eat, and your used energy through your physical activities. And each person has varied amount of calories to take in a day as it depends on one’s age, size and activity levels.

One tip, if you want to maintain your weight, you must burn the same amount of calories you have consumed. Meanwhile,if you want to lose weight, you must take less calories or burn more. And goes vice versa if you want to gain weight.
According to a calorie calculator based on Life Span Fitness, if you’re a female and weighing 150 pounds with 5′ 0″ height, 24 years old, and has a sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise at all), you need 1,770 calories to maintain your weight.
And in order to lose weight, starving yourself is not really that effective for every one. Some will end up hungry which will eventually make them give up. What you need is a healthier diet and some lifestyle changes.
Here are some tips to effectively lose weight:
- Eating more protein – this boosts the metabolism, fights off cravings, and reduces appetite
- Avoiding sweets – sugary soft drinks and fruit juices are top factors of gaining weight, thus, avoiding such, will help you significantly shed off some pounds
- Drinking plenty of water – aside from detoxifying the body, drinking water improves metabolism and eating half an hour before a meal can help you consume lesser calories
- Physical activities – exercising and weight lifting reduces muscle loss and aids weight loss
- Reducing carbs intake – cutting your carbs intake aids weight loss by ensuring you eat quality and fiber-rich carb sources as per Health Line
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