Low Acid Coffee – How To Make Coffee Less Acidic?

Low Acid Coffee

LOW ACID COFFEE – Here are some tips on how to make your coffee have low acid and the reasons why coffee that’s less acidic is much better. There are several ways and tips to make your coffee less acidic and these tips are for people who are sensitive to the natural acids in coffee. … Read more

Puffiness Around Your Eyes – How To Reduce The Appearance?

Puffiness Around Your Eyes

PUFFINESS AROUND YOUR EYES – There are many reasons why we develop puffy eyes but there are ways you can do to reduce puffiness. Factors like crying, aging, lack of sleep, allergies, smoking, and certain medical conditions can cause puffiness. Most of the time, these do not cause a major health concern. But if it … Read more

Pimple Scars – How To Remove Scars From Acne and Pimples?

Pimple Scars

PIMPLE SCARS – Here are some easy yet effective tips to remove or reduce the appearance of stubborn scars caused by acne and pimples. Can acne scars be removed? The answer is yes. They are stubborn and do not easily go away but you can definitely do something to reduce their appearance on your skin. … Read more

Micellar Water – What To Know Before Using This?

Micellar Water

Here are some of the things to know first before using micellar water. Check them out below! MICELLAR WATER – Some include micellar water in their skincare regimen and these are the many benefits and uses of this. A good choice as a gentle facial cleanser is micellar water to remove dirt, oil, and makeup. … Read more

Is Coffee Acidic? Why Does Coffee Acidity Matters?

Is Coffee Acidic

Coffee is a famous drink but is coffee acidic? Here’s what you need to know. IS COFFEE ACIDIC – Coffee may have a variety of potential health benefits but the confusing thing about this drink is its acidity level. What should you know? Drinking coffee is good until you do it excessively. Too much caffeine … Read more

Sleeping Pills Overdose – Can You Die From Sleeping Pills?

Sleeping Pills Overdose

Here are the signs of sleeping pills overdose and how dangerous it is. SLEEPING PILLS OVERDOSE – A lot of people rely on sleeping pills for a restful night but this poses some dangers like being overdosed. Tolerance and dependence may develop if we often rely on sleeping pills to have a good sleep. But … Read more

Get Enough Sleep – Here’s What Happens If You Won’t

Get Enough Sleep

GET ENOUGH SLEEP – It is important to get enough quality sleep because this is what will happen if you don’t give this to your body. People often cut back on their sleep for other important reasons like work or lesser important reasons like watching a good television series. Enough sleep can bring an array of … Read more

PCOS Acne – How Do You Treat This Type Of Acne?


What can you do to treat PCOS acne? Here are some tips. PCOS ACNE – One of the common symptoms of having polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is acne and this is what you can do to treat this. One of the most common symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is acne. The other … Read more

How To Know If You’re Pregnant Using a Pregnancy Test

How To Know If You're Pregnant

HOW TO KNOW IF YOU’RE PREGNANT – Below is a guide on using a pregnancy test and how to determine if the result is positive or negative. One of the best ways to determine if you are pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test. However, to increase the accuracy of the result, it … Read more

How To Whiten Teeth? Here Are Some Teeth Whitening Tips

How To Whiten Teeth

Check out some practical tips on how to whiten teeth below! HOW TO WHITEN TEETH – Smiling is good but smiling with a white set of teeth is better and here are some things to know about teeth whitening. Many products are actually available now in the market with the promise of making your teeth … Read more