Here are the Different Types of Stress
Different Types of Stress – There are many sources of stress like work, parenting, social media comparison, and many more, and there are also different types of this.
Stress can be categorized into four areas: Acute (short-term, specific, and common like missing deadlines), Episodic acute stress (repeated and due to lifestyle or personality traits), Chronic stress (persistent and pervasive stress over an extended period like inescapable situation), and Eustress (beneficial type of stress that can improve your health, performance, motivation, and overall well-being).

Here are the different types of stress, based on the article in The Healthy:
Ambient anxiety
- can run in the background of our lives
- may be enhanced during extreme current events and world unrest (for example the pandemic)
Work stress
- most common types
- detachment is key in reducing chronic work stress
- maintaining a social support network at work can be beneficial
- Parenting and stress go hand in hand
- Parents should understand and have confidence in their chosen parenting philosophy
- Parents should find time for themselves and their adult relationships
- They should stop comparing themselves to other families
Urban living
- Factors of city life such as air pollution, building density, traffic, and lack of access to natural features may result in higher levels of chronic stress
- However, you could also experience overstimulation [living] on a farm (for example buzzing flies and crowing roosters)
Traumatic stress
- This is in response to a singular traumatic event (for example experiencing a natural disaster, assault, and death of loved ones)
Financial stress
- May represent worry over basic necessities such as keeping the lights on and avoiding eviction, or working two jobs while going to school
Life changes
- Major changes in your life can bring stress such as divorce, the death of a loved one, injury, or losing your job