Cancer Tips For Women: Here Are Some Tips From Doc Willie Ong

Cancer Tips

Breast cancer tips for women according to Doc Willie Ong. CANCER TIPS – Doc Willie Ong shares to us some tips and warning signs to determine early symptoms of breast cancer to women. What could be a breast cancer can look and feel like? Doc Willie Ong shares to us on how to determine breast … Read more

CHICKEN POX (Bulutong-Tubig): What To Do If Your Child Have This?

Chicken Pox

What to do if someone has chicken pox? CHICKEN POX – Doc Willie Ong discusses important details and treatment about the condition called “bulutong-tubig” or chicken pox. The virus causing the contagious chicken pox is the varicella-zoster virus which mainly affects kids and sometimes, adults can possibly get it too. Accordingly, the corresponding symptoms of … Read more

COLD WATER FACTS – Does It Make A Person Gain Weight?

Cold Water Facts

Cold water facts and how does it affect a person’s health? COLD WATER FACTS – Doc Willie Ong discusses the benefits and effects of drinking cold water to a person and answers if it makes one gain weight. Does drinking of cold water makes one person gain weight? Doc Willie Ong answered debunking this myth … Read more


Coronavirus Prevention

Tips for Coronavirus prevention. CORONAVIRUS PREVENTION – Doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong share some tips and ways in order to avoid having the dangerous coronavirus. A Chinese coronavirus dubbed as a cousin of SARS virus has already infected numerous and this is said to be deadly. It all started in Wuhan, China and was … Read more

Health Tips – Important Details You Must Know About Diabetes

Health Tips

Health tips about diabetes. HEALTH TIPS – Doc Willie Ong discusses diabetes and some of the most important things we must know about this kind of condition. The condition that disables the body he body’s ability to process blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar is called diabetes. It has three types: Type 1 – … Read more

BAD BREATH SOLUTIONS – What To Do To Treat Your Bad Breath?

Bad Breath Solutions

Here are some bad breath solutions that you must know! BAD BREATH SOLUTIONS – Experts and doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong share to us some effective solutions and tips to effectively treat bad breath. Halitosis or bad breath is characterized by an unpleasant odor of the mouth which is caused by foods a person … Read more

MILK BENEFITS – Who Needs To Drink Milk Everyday?

Milk Benefits

Milk benefits and what happens if you drink it everyday. MILK BENEFITS – Doctor Willie Ong and Liza Ong explains the benefits of milk and how it affects the body if you drink it everyday. As adults, we are all surely aware how good is milk to everyone for it has an array of nutrients … Read more