Exercise Motivation: Encouraging Tips For You To Start Exercising

Here’s the exercise motivation that you should know

Exercise Motivation – Have you been thinking about exercising and shedding off that extra weight or aiming for a healthier body and stronger stamina but can’t find the boost to start? These are the things you should know about this.

Exercising can take a lot of force and effort to start. For some people, starting is easy but the problem is how they can sustain this. Based on the article in The Healthy, here are the things that can motivate you to exercise.

exercise motivation
đź“·: Harvard Health

Stop saying you have no time to exercise

This is probably the most common excuse. However, it is better to have just a few minutes of movement than nothing at all.

Don’t ignore exercise

Do not think your body can benefit from exercising because it is a powerful medicine for your heart and arteries. Moreover, when you exercise, it can help strengthen your cardiovascular system which allows the heart to pump more blood with less effort.

Take a 15-minute walk

The American Heart Association recommends that you should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. This is 2.5 hours of heart-pumping activity but if you have this luxury of time, a 5-minute walk can be which also offer health benefits.

De-motorvate your life

With advanced technology, people’s lives are getting easier and tasks are done faster. However, by not using machines all the time, you can already do some exercises. For example, instead of using a dishwasher, do the dishes manually. If you have time, instead of using an elevator or escalator, use the stairs.

Don’t take waiting sitting down

Waiting is part of our daily lives. Seats are being placed in certain buildings and establishments that are meant for those who wait for their turn to get the service or product they want. Try to stand and move while waiting.

Track your daily steps

Measure the steps you make per day and set a goal. As you continue doing this, you can set it to a higher number for a new goal.

Don’t throw in the towel if you miss a workout

Don’t easily give up on exercising just because you haven’t worked out yesterday. Taking a break from exercising is also good for your body but return to doing your routines again.

Move in the morning

Morning is a good time for exercising because it simply means that getting healthy is the number one on your daily list of things to do.

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