Weight Loss Tips – Doc Willie Ong On Losing Excess Pounds In Fast Way

Weight loss tips to get first rid of excess pound effectively.

WEIGHT LOSS TIPS – Doc Willie Ong on fast ways and procedures to effectively lose weight through these easy steps and simple diet rules.

Obesity is not an indication that you are healthy but a chronic disease that is difficult to treat which requires long-term treatment to lose weight. And losing weight does not happen overnight. Motivation, proper eating, exercise habits, and an appreciation of better health are key factors to make you shed off some pounds. Aside from getting rid of excess weight, you also get to improve your overall health.

With this, the famous and reliable medical expert who gives advises for free is Doc Willie Ong who also tackled ways and rules to effectively lose weight.

Read and find out these diet rules to easily get rid of your excess fats and shed some pounds:

  • High Protein and Low Carbohydrate Diet
    • Avoid sweet and foods high in carbohydrates
    • Reduce rice and bread consumption, sweetened drinks, corn, sweet potatoes
    • Take more of lean meat, chicken, white fish, milk, tofu, nuts, cheese, eggs, legumes and beans, tuna, and among others
    • Consume vegetable high in protein such as spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, parsley, cucumbers, green pepper, cabbage, tomatoes,
    • Grapes and mangoes are high in sugar
    • Exercise regularly
  • Tips and Reminders:
    • 40 years old and below, healthy, and with no diseases at all is allowed and safe to practice and do this kind of diet
    • Those who have kidney problem is not allowed to do this
    • Doc Willie Ong, however, suggest to just reduce consumption but people get lost track of their carbohydrate count.

Watch the video below:


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