Here are some random health tips according to Doc Willie Ong.
RANDOM HEALTH TIPS – Public health expert Doc Willie had the following random healthy tips for a lifestyle and a healthy life ahead.
In this time of a major health crisis, one of or major defense is a state of good health of the body. This is which is why health experts always remind us to stay healthy, practice healthy lifestyle, and wash hands all the time.

Now, check out these random health tips below which are proven to be true and good for your body according to Doc Willie Ong:
- Avoid or limit sweetened drinks including bottled juices for they contain a lot of sugar. Too much sugar can lead to obesity, type 2 Diabetes, and damages the heart.
- Eat a handful of peanuts for these food contains a lot of nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin E, fiber, and many more. Some of its healthy contents can also gain weight loss, combat some diseases, and some proof that it strengthens the metabolism.
- Avoid processed foods and junk foods as much as possible for the contain very little nutrients and low in fiber, protein, and micronutrients but has high sugar. Always opt for the fresh ones.
- Tamban, dilis, sardinas, bangus, tuna, and salmon. Always choose to eat these kinds of fishes for they contain high quality proteins and healthy fat such as omega-3 fatty acids. Those people who eat fishes often are at lower risk to have heart diseases, dementia, and depression.
- Always eat vegetables for they are rich in fiber and consume foods high in probiotic to fight off bacteria causing health problems.
- Always stay hydrated, thus, drink water all the time and always choose to drink water.
- Limit eating food that have refined carbs such as rice and bread as these can possibly cause diabetes.
See the post below:
- Feeling Tired Always? Here Are Some Tips To Be Energetic
- COVID Safety Tips: How To Be Safe At Home and In Public Place?
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