The indications that tell a person lack emotional intelligence. Check it out below!
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE – If you think you lack in this department, here are some signs that will help you determine it.
EI is a person’s ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions and while others say it is an inborn characteristic, to others, this is learned and can be strengthened. It is undeniably important that you get to control your own emotions but it’s also just as essential to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others.

This type of intelligence makes great impacts such as thinking before reacting, self-awareness, and empathy. You can also use this with the way how you accept criticism and responsibility, move on after making a mistake, share your feelings with others, have great listening skills, not be judgemental of others, know why you do what you do, and many others.
Here are some signs that you lack EI according to a blog written by Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist:
- Having hard time reading other people – this can led to some conflict and makes you respond to the emotions of others less effectively
- You don’t know or not sure of your own feelings – recognizing your emotions is more important than recognizing the emotions of other people. Example, your unacknowledged anger might result in passive-aggressive behavior.
- You don’t understand why others feel the way they do – saying he or she “shouldn’t be upset” or has “no reason to be sad” is an indication that you don’t understand their feelings.
- You’re having a tough time controlling your own emotions – beyong recognzing and controlling is managing what you feel and as a result, you are prone to losing your temper.
- You lack empathy and this is what other people tell you – lack of empathy is being not able to relate to other’s feelings and this may give other people a “narcissist” perception of you.
Other signs include not having to control your emotions, struggling in your relationships, and often offending people without realizing it and without understanding why they got offended.
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