Here’s your baby development stages by month which is a delightful journey.
BABY DEVELOPMENT STAGES – What to expect from your growing infant? The first year is surely an incredible journey and here are the development stages.
All babies start from being helpless newborns to being active toddlers. We all love the coos and cuddles in the early months along with countless sleepless nights and before you know it, the baby you once held in your arms is now a big boy or big girl.
But before diving into the life of being a parent of a toddler, new moms and dads should know first what to expect within the 12 incredible months of transformation.
Here are the milestones and achievements your baby can do by month.

1st month:
What just matters during this stage is cuddling, sleeping, and feeding. Your baby will probably be crying a lot as well. Physically, they will be sucking, swallowing, searching for milk, and grasping objects put inside their tiny hands. And by the end of the month, they are able to raise their heads when you lay them on their stomach. They can focus with both eyes at one month old and even follow a moving object with their eyes. Mostly, babies recognize their parents at this age and they love your voice.
2nd month:
They grow up really fast and at this month, they are able to lift head and move it from side to side. They also love staring at your faces and would often give smiles. There will also be coordination in their movements and they start to kick both legs strongly and will be very wriggly. They also like looking at objects with more complex patterns and colors.
3rd month:
The baby will now have a strong attachment to the parents. They are able to respond with smiles and even talk back in their own language. At this time, the soft spot at the back of their head or posterior fontanelle should have closed already. Their brain is also growing fast and by this time, they can recognize people by sight, smell, and voice.
4th month:
They can now chuckle and even pick up things with their hands and thumb. Apart from smiling and chuckling, they can do other emotions like showing delight or excitement, anger, and frustration. They can also roll over, sit, and start crawling. Their vision is getting better and they will start to incorporate this into what they hear, taste, and feel. And by this time, you can interact with your baby by smiling at each other, laughing, and even “talking”.
5th month:
This time, the skill your baby does is preparing them to eat their solids. They can roll on their tummies, sit for a moment without support, and they also get bored when left alone for a long time. They also know what they want and can show it like lifting their arms if they want to be picked up or crying when you leave the room. They can also recognize different sounds. It is best to talk and listen to them using different tones and facial expressions to help them learn to converse.
6th month:
By this time, the baby is having better coordination. They can respond well and will even let you know if they are happy or sad. This is also the best time to introduce them to solid foods. You can try giving them mashed or pureed fruits and vegetables once a day while continuing to breastfeed them or feeding them with formula milk. This helps strengthen their jaws for chewing and talking. They can also recognize if you are speaking in a harsh or soft voice and can understand a few words. At this age, they will know and recognize their names as well as per a post from Pregnancy Birth & Baby Org.
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