Vitamin K Bears Unpopular Fact
VITAMIN K – While most vitamins are needed by the human body on a daily basis, here is this one vitamin that you don’t need to have daily.
Many people keep their bodies healthy by eating the right foods which include fruits and vegetables, getting enough rest and sleep, exercising daily, and taking vitamins and food supplements.
Truth be told that there are several vitamins that can hardly be taken from the diet. Thus, many individuals consider buying these vitamins in the form of capsules, tablets, or other food supplements.
However, while most vitamins must be taken on a daily basis, there is this one vitamin that you don’t need to make sure that your daily diet has it – Vitamin K.

Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting in the body. It helps wounds heal fast and prevent the body from losing too much blood through a cut or wound.
Furthermore, there are some pieces of evidence claiming that this vitamin helps keep the bone healthy. It can be obtained from several healthy foods such as green leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach, vegetable oils, and cereal grains.
However, with regards to why the body does not need a daily intake of Vitamin K, based on an article on NHS, it is mainly because the body stores it in the liver for future use in case it is still not needed by the body. Thus, you don’t need to worry much about not having it in your diet on some days.
Meanwhile, since it is present in most vegetables, in case you are fond of veggies, there is nothing to worry about taking so much of this vitamin. There is not enough evidence that could prove that t has negative effects on the body when taken in high doses.
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