Effective treatment and solutions for toothache.
TOOTHACHE – Here are some effective solution and treatment tips for an aching tooth according to doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong.
An aching tooth is a pain in or around a tooth that may be caused by tooth decay, abscessed tooth, tooth fracture, tooth filling, infected gums, and repeating motions such as chewing gum or grinding teeth.

As we all know, this pain is disturbing, results to irritation, and gives you sleepless nights. It has risk factors and some of those are dental infection, gum disease, plaque, dental decay, injury, cracked teeth, poorly placed fillings or crowns, failed or leaked fillings or crowns, loss of a tooth (including tooth extractions), and among others.
Now, if you are suffering from this pain, here are some tips and home remedies:
- Gargle a glass warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt to reduce swelling.
- Do cold compress in the painful area for to numb pain.
- Drink paracetamol as needed after eating.
- If pain persists and go to your dentist for some procedure such as dental pasta to restore proper function and structure. Other one is root canal to repair and save badly decayed tooth and tooth extraction if needed.
- Take antibiotic if you’re experiencing abscessed tooth.
What to do to avoid and prevent this? As we all know, aching tooth is the result of a tooth decay which is we all must follow good oral hygiene practices. Such practices include brushing regularly with a fluoride-containing toothpaste twice or thrice daily, flossing once daily, rinsing once or twice a day with an antiseptic mouthwash, and seeing your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning.
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