These are the symptoms of major thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism or underactive or overactive thyroids, respectively.
THYROID PROBLEMS SYMPTOMS – There are several thyroid problems and this is because the thyroid makes either too much or too little of the hormones. Here are the symptoms.
We all have thyroid and this is located in front of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate the energy usage of the body. These hormones also affect many organs of the body and are involved in many bodily functions.
They affect breathing, heart rate, weight, digestion, and mood.
And the diseases in this gland are because either too much or too little of the hormones are being produced.

Some of the diseases are:
- goiter
- hyperthyroidism
- hypothyroidism
- thyroid cancer
- thyroid nodules
- thyroiditis
But in this post, we will be focusing on the set of symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid that occurs if the gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs.
The symptoms are:
- Nervousness or irritability
- Fatigue
- Muscle weakness
- Trouble tolerating heat
- Trouble sleeping
- Tremor, usually in your hands
- Rapid and irregular heartbeat
- Frequent bowel movements or diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Mood swings
- Goiter
If you are a woman, older than age 60, have been pregnant or had a baby within the past 6 months, had thyroid surgery or a thyroid problem, have a family history of thyroid disease, have diabetes, have anemia, or consumes too much iodine, you are at a higher risk of developing this.
According to Cleveland Clinic, hypothyroidism, on the other hand, is where the thyroid “doesn’t create and release enough hormone into your bloodstream”. This results in slowed-down metabolism, weight gain, feeling tired, and not being able to tolerate coldness.
The symptoms based on the post are:
- feeling tired
- numbness and tingling in your hands.
- constipation
- gaining weight
- soreness throughout your body
- higher than normal blood cholesterol levels
- depression
- unable to tolerate cold temperatures
- dry, coarse skin and hair
- decrease sexual interest
- frequent and heavy menstrual periods
- physical changes in your face
- voice becoming lower and hoarser
- being more forgetful
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