SAFETY TIPS – How To Stay Safe From Germs Of Dirty Money?

Safety tips to avoid health problems from germs coming from money.

SAFETY TIPS – Health expert Doc Willie Ong shared some important tips to stay safe when it comes to germs coming from dirty money.

Money is just as valuable but this can be a major source of different types of germs, dirt, and viruses. This is most especially if the money has come from the market as it was passed on from one hand to the other. And the hand, which touches almost anything is just as dirty as well.

Safety Tips
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Thus, here are some tips from Doc Willie Ong for safety purposes, considering that the country is now among the infected amid the coronavirus outbreak:

  • When in going to markets, make sure that the wallet or bag you use is solely used when going to the market only and not anywhere. Make sure that it is made of cloth just so you can wash it right after and can be dried up under the sun.
  • In terms of slippers, make sure also that the one you use at home is different from that one that you wear when you are outside, most especially when going to market.
  • Take a bath right after doing your task in the market.
  • In terms of money, dry it up under the sun in three to four hours just to be sure to make it safe and clean. In coins, you can wash it.
  • Always have alcohol with you. (Note: Hand washing takes away dirt and germs while applying alcohol kills bacteria and viruses. Thus, do both.)
  • Among the dirtiest areas and objects are in MRT, LRT, jeepneys, children toys, tables, elevator, escalator, handles especially in public CR, and ATM machine. Be careful and mindful always.

Watch the video below:


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