Lifestyle Causes Of Heart Disease – What Are They?

What are the lifestyle causes of heart disease? Find out below!

LIFESTYLE CAUSES OF HEART DISEASE – Many people suffer from this condition and in some cases, lifestyle factors make a huge contribution.

There’s a fundamental connection between a person’s lifestyle and health. Your lifestyle dictates the state of your health and it’s up to you on what to do – do it right or do it wrong. When it comes to your health, small and healthy changes are the key to decrease your risk of heart disease and other serious health problems.

To prevent this, manage your lifestyle as these things you do can increase its risk:

  • Unhealthy Diet – Your plate must be filled with the essential ones such as healthy fats, carbs, fiber, and protein. Clean eating goes a long away.
  • Not Enough Exercise – Being active is good for the general health, especially for the heart and the brain. Being physically active improves your heart, brain, muscles, bones and mood.
  • Unhealthy Weight – Many people are struggling with their weight and one must know that being overweight leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and sleep apnea.
  • Too much alcohol – Excessive drinking is a risk factor for high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. This may also disrupt your medication.
  • Taking Birth Control and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – There are medications that contain estrogen – the female hormone – and one of its side effects is it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and mini-stroke.
  • Stress – This is normally a part of life, however, mismanaged stress may cause adverse effects such as increasing the risk of heart disease. High levels of stress or prolonged stress can cause higher cholesterol or blood pressure.

As indicated, making healthy changes to your lifestyle can prevent not just heart disease but also other serious health problems. There are other factors negatively affecting the heart such as depression, trouble sleeping, smoking, and substance use.

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