Wondering ‘How Many Cups of Green Tea’ Is Healthy To Take in a Day?
HOW MANY CUPS OF GREEN TEA – Here is a guide on the right amount of green tea you should consume daily for the best health benefits.
There are a lot of herbal teas that you can choose from should you wish to make it a part of your diet to live a healthy lifestyle. One of the best and the most popular herbal tea is green tea.
Green tea is made from the leaves and buds of Camellia sinensis. Unlike in the making of two (2) other healthy teas, the Oolong tea and black tea, the leaves in making green tea do not go through the same withering and oxidation process as those.
Green tea originated in China but it is spread across the globe now. The leaves are steeped and brewed longer in the process of making this tea.

The human body can get several health benefits from green tea. It contains catechin, an antioxidant that is known to help reduce the risk of different types of cancers.
Some studies also showed that drinking green tea can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Based on an article on Healthline, the catechins and caffeine in the tea were also found to help boost the body’s metabolism.
How many cups of green tea you should drink daily? Based on the article, there is no specific answer to this but there are some factors that can help point out the range.
Some studies show that drinking one cup of green tea daily is healthy while other studies found that three to five cups of the tea is the range for optimal benefits.
Three (3) to five (5) cups of green tea are recommended daily for those who want to reduce the risk of developing oral cancer; five (5) cups or more to lower the risk of stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer; six or more cups to lower the risk of diabetes, and one (1) to three (3) cups to reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke.
How many cups of green tea you should drink daily? According to the article, three (3) to five (5) cups of this herbal tea can be the optimal range to obtain its best benefits.
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