Heart Health: Here’s Why Drinking Tea Is Good For Your Heart

Here are the reasons why some types of tea are good for heart health and their benefits.

HEART HEALTH – These are the types of teas beneficial to the heart and why drinking tea is good for this particular organ.

A cup of warm tea is seemingly nice and inviting but for the overall health, drinking tea is indeed really healthy and beneficial. It contains anti-cancer properties and some types even, are good for the heart.

Heart Health
Photo lifted from Flickr

There are several types of teas that are actually good for the heart such as green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea, chamomile tea, ginseng tea, and among other types. According to a research from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a cup of tea in three or more times a week can help improve cardiovascular health and increase lifespan.

Now, here are more reasons why drinking tea is good for the heart:

  • Black and green tea has polyphenols which are known for their cardiovascular benefits such as improved function of the blood vessels, more dilating, and less constriction. Good cholesterol level is also increased.
  • Drinking tea lowers risk of heart disease and stroke.

Meanwhile, there are some teas that must be avoided such as detox tea because of the laxatives it has which is harmful to your health, the fancy teas in your favorite shop for they are loaded with sugar, the trending bubble teas due to the excessive amount of sugar, calories, and carbs it contains, and some herbal tea as it may trigger allergies.

Tea, as among the most-loved beverages, no matter how healthy this is, must be consumed in just the right amount. Increased anxiety and stress, poor sleep, nausea, heartburn, headache, and dizziness are just among the side effects if you drink too much tea as per an article from Health Line.


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