HEALTH BENEFITS OF CARROTS – Crunchy, tasty, and highly nutritious are the carrots, and here are the health benefits it has!
Carrots contain a number of health benefits. This root vegetable is not only a weight-loss-friendly food but also packed with nutrients such as beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants.
Benefits Of Carrots – Health Benefits and Uses Of Carrots
What are the health benefits of carrots? Find them out here!
BENEFITS OF CARROTS – Daucus carota or carrots are root vegetables and here are some of its benefits that is said to be great for the body.
Crunchy, tasty, and highly nutritious are the carrots. Particularly, this root vegetable is a good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. This vegetable is a weight-loss-friendly food and is said to be associated with low cholesterol levels and improved eye health.

Its carotene antioxidant also helps reduce the risk of developing cancer. The carotenoid called lycopene can potentially fight against stomach, prostate, lung, and breast cancers.
This veggie actually comes in many colors, not just orange. It can be yellow, white, orange, red, or purple. These bright colors are due to the beta carotene it has which the body converts into Vitamin A.
Check out what a 100-gram of carrots contain:
- Calories: 41
- Water: 88%
- Protein: 0.9 grams
- Carbs: 9.6 grams
- Sugar: 4.7 grams
- Fiber: 2.8 grams
- Fat: 0.2 grams
A half-cup can provide the following:
- 73% of your daily requirement of vitamin A
- 9% of your daily vitamin K
- 8% of your daily potassium and fiber
- 5% of your daily vitamin C
- 2% of your daily calcium and iron
According to a post from BBC Good Food, the following are some of its benefits:
- It has carotenoids which are mainly found in the flesh or the outer section of the root. These nutrients play a significant role in improving eye health. It also aids a good immune system and is important for healthy skin and a healthy aging process.
- The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin enhance eye health.
- The fiber and Vitamin C it has can help lower cholesterol levels and protect the heart.
- Since it is low in fat and calories and packed with fiber, it is a big help for weight loss. It promotes fullness and a sense of satiation.
- A study has found that regular consumption of carrots supplying 15g of fiber per day showed good effects on gut health.
In cooking, carrots can be baked, steams, sauteed, or pressed into juice. It can also be served fresh or used to make carrot cake or coleslaw.
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