Emergency tips when someone loses consciousness.
EMERGENCY TIPS – Here are some emergency tips situations such as when someone loses his or her consciousness due to abnormal heartbeating.
Loss of consciousness is an alarming case. It is where a person becomes unable to response and seemingly asleep. It can last for a few seconds or even longer.
Initially, when this happens, what comes to another person’s mind is to perform a CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. And how do you do this? Lay the person on his back in firm surface, place the heel of your hand over the center of the chest directly in interlaced fingers, don’t bend elbows as you perform pushing straight down on the chest at least 1.5 inches for children or 2 inches for adults, and then release pressure. Repeat procedure gain up to 100 times per minute.

Here are some probable causes why someone loses consciousness:
- Accident
- Severe bleeding
- Being hit or blown by something hard in the head or chest
- Medicine overdose
- Too much alcohol
- Low blood sugar
- Anemic
- Menstruation
- Convulsion and seizure
- Stroke
- Nervousness
- Too much heat
Meanwhile, in terms of losing consciousness due to abnormal heartbeat is dangerous. The abnormal heart rhythm produces more than 150 beat in a minute which affects the normal function of the heart that will cause of lack of blood and will ultimately result to unconsciousness that can possibly lead to death.
This condition is triggered by the following:
- Stress
- Low Potassium level
- Anemia
- Stimulants such as alcohol, drugs, caffeine, energy drinks or anything that stresses the heart
What to do if you experience abnormal heartbeat at home?
- Massage carotid in five to 10 seconds
- Coughing
- Reflex through washing face with cold water
- Medicines
- Most importantly, seek medical help right away and consult with cardiologist
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