Guide on the Effects of Low Cholesterol Level for the Human Body
EFFECTS OF LOW CHOLESTEROL LEVEL – Most people are concerned with a high cholesterol level but not its opposite – but, it is not a safe case.
When it comes to certain bodily conditions, there are “levels” that attract more concern compared with their opposites. For example, a high blood pressure level rings louder compared with a low blood pressure level.
Another case is with regards to the potassium level. Truth be told that a low potassium level is more of a concern and is more popular but there is not much attention for its opposite, the high potassium level.
Being the condition of having a high cholesterol level drawing much concern, let us talk about its opposite – a low cholesterol level. There are also negative effects of a low cholesterol level.

Before diving deep into the topic, let us first discuss “cholesterol”. It is actually needed by the body in some processes like the making of Vitamin D and as well as in the absorption of food.
There are two (2) types of cholesterol – the HDL or the good cholesterol and the LDL or the bad cholesterol level. If you have low HDL, there are also risks.
Based on an article on Healthline, among the effects of a low cholesterol level are increased possibilities of developing cancer, depression, and anxiety. These are based on the results of several studies conducted abroad.
Furthermore, another concern is that pregnant women with low cholesterol levels have a greater chance of delivering the baby prematurely. There is also a possibility that the infant will have a low birth weight. Here are the signs to look for if you have a low cholesterol level prompting a need to see a doctor:
- nervouseness
- hopelessness
- agitation
- confusion
- changes in mood
- difficulty in making decision
- changes in sleeping and eating patterns
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