Here’s a chart of the appropriate and right baby vaccination schedule for parents to follow in order to protect the baby’s health.
Every baby develops at their own pace but as they grow and develop their skills, parents have a crucial role in this development. When it comes to vaccines, it is important to talk it out with a doctor but here’s a simple guide to follow when it comes to baby vaccinations.
Baby Vaccination – Types Of Vaccines Recommended For Children
Here are some things to know about baby vaccination and other details.
BABY VACCINATION – Vaccines protect a baby from dangerous and harmful diseases and these are the recommended types for children.
All vaccines go through rigorous safety testing which makes them really safe to have. They go through several clinical trials before they get approval for public use. Children and even adults are all protected from a lot of life-threatening and highly contagious diseases because of vaccines.
And vaccines are greatly needed by infants and children as they still have developing immune systems.
How do vaccines work? They help our immune systems be more efficient in fighting off infections. When a baby gets a vaccine, serious side effects very rarely happen. There will be minor side effects like soreness in the area and mild fever.

Because of vaccines, babies are protected from diseases like extrapulmonary tuberculosis, polio, measles, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, pertussis, pneumonia, acute encephalitis, and many more.
According to CDC, babies at one to two months must receive the following types of vaccines:
- Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis)
- Haemophilus Influenzae Type B disease
- Hepatitis B
- Pneumococcal Disease
- Polio
- Rotavirus
With regards to the mild side effects, you may ease them by doing these:
- Put a cool, damp cloth in the injection area to reduce redness, soreness, and/or swelling.
- Do a cool sponge bath to reduce fever.
- Give a non-aspirin pain reliever if the doctor of your baby allows it.
These are the other types recommended for children:
- MMR (protection against measles, mumps, and rubella)
- Chickenpox
- Hepatitis A
- Meningococcal conjugate vaccine
- Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)
- Influenza vaccine
Here is the routine vaccination schedule for infants in the Philippines as of 1 December 2022 based on Unicef:

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