Doc Willie & Doc Liza Ong Cite 11 Signs Before Person Dies
SIGNS BEFORE PERSON DIES – Here are the eleven (11) signs that appear before a person’s death according to doctors Willie and Liza Ong.
Death is something that will surely come to each of us. It is inevitable and we don’t know when our time here on Earth is over. It may come regardless of age, gender, social status, and all the other factors.
Some people were not given the chance to live long enough. Most of them got their dreams cut short by an illness or an accident. They are the ones considered as “gone too soon”.
For other people, they were blessed with a long life before they left this Earth. Most of us surely have at least one (1) grandmother or grandfather who passed away at an old age.

According to Doc Willie and Doc Liza Ong, with regards to death that comes at an old age, there are signs. The doctors cited eleven (11) signs before a person dies.
11 Signs Before A Person Dies
1. Always Sleeping – According to Doc Willie and Doc Liza, the person losses energy and metabolism so the organs try to conserve energy thus he is always feeling tired. It is okay to let a person rest and sleep but it is also advisable to let him stand for a while to avoid body sore.
2. Does Not Eat or Drink – Based on the video, the body of the person only requires little food or drink as they only use little energy. Let the patient drink water to prevent dehydration.
3. Withdrawal from People – The patient will avoid talking to someone. There are many reasons why patient become this, one is that they are shy because of the disease, they want to keep their situation in private, concern about their looks, and last they want to spend the last time alone. It is best to visit them frequently.
4. Abnormality in Vital Signs – It includes the blood pressure dropping low, breathing difficulties, and irregular pulse.
5. Urine and Waste Changes – According to Doc Willie and Doc Liza, it is because of the amount of the food that enter the body. The urine may be brownish.
6. Temperature Drops – If a person is dying, the body’s temperature drop to normal. Our temperature usually rises if the body is fighting bacteria or viruses and high blood. If the temperature goes down, it means the body is not fighting anymore.
7. Weak Muscles – Muscles starts to fail and will not be able to lift anything.
8. Difficulties in Breathing – You can hear the patient gasping for air.
9. Confusion – Difficulty in remembering anyone.
10. Body Pain – Based on the video, one of the signs before a person dies is body pain. It is best to be careful in handling them most especially those with cancer.
11. Hallucinations – Some patients will see loved ones who are already dead. Some even describe that someone is already fetching them. It is best not to argue with them.
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