COFFEE AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – Are you wondering if there is a direct link between the two that many people don’t know?
Coffee is the favorite drink of many people — including a lot of individuals who often experience a high blood pressure. Whether you are or you aren’t one of the hypertensive people who loves to drink coffee, it is best to know the link between them or there really is a link.
Is Coffee Bad For People with High Blood Pressure?
Guide on Whether or Not Coffee Is Bad for People with High Blood Pressure
COFFEE BAD FOR PEOPLE WITH HIGH BLOOD – Here is a guide on whether or not drinking coffee is bad for people with hypertension.
A lot of people are suffering from hypertension which is mainly characterized by a high blood pressure. Despite it being common, it is a serious health condition that must not be taken for granted.
Unaddressed high blood pressure level can lead to stroke – which can be mild or severe. The said condition can paralyze the body or, worst, really cause instant death.
Truths be told that many people in the country died of stroke. It is triggered by several factors that caused a spike in the blood pressure level.

Have you heard about the supposed link between coffee and high blood pressure level? Have you experienced being told not to drink coffee as it is bad for people with high blood pressure level?
Coffee contains caffeine. Based on an article on Mayo Clinic, caffeine can cause a spike on the blood pressure level although it will happen shortly only.
According to the article, even if you are not suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure, drinking coffee can increase you BP. Researchers have yet to determine the factor behind the said effect but they believe that caffeine “could block a hormone that helps keep your arteries widened”.
There are foods that are really recommended for people with hypertension. You may visit – Foods Best for High Blood Pressure? Here’s What You May Eat.
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