Mental Health Benefits Of Yoga That You Should Know

MENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF YOGA – How does yoga boost and improve a person’s mental health? Here are some details.

Doing yoga does not only deliver physical benefits but also mental benefits. The basic premise of this seeks relaxation through breathing and meditation while also doing stretching and poses that strengthen muscles.

Benefits Of Yoga – How It Helps To Stay Healthy?

What are the different benefits of yoga? Here are some that you should know!

BENEFITS OF YOGA – Learn about the health benefits of yoga that may bring to your body both physically and mentally all ages.

Natalie Nevins, DO, is a board-certified osteopathic family physician and certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in Hollywood, California. She explained that the purpose of yoga is to “build strength, awareness, and harmony in both the mind and body”.

This includes breathing exercises, meditation, and postures targeting particular muscle groups.

Yoga has many types. One of the most popular types is called Hatha or a combination of many styles. This type is more physical rather than meditative. This type focuses more on pranayamas or breath-controlled exercises followed by asanas or yoga postures and ends with savasana or the resting period.

Benefits Of Yoga
Photo from Live Science

According to American Osteopathic Association, these are physical benefits:

  • lessen chronic pain like lower back pain, arthritis, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome
  • lower blood pressure
  • reduce insomnia
  • increased flexibility
  • increased muscle strength and tone
  • improved respiration, energy, and vitality
  • maintaining a balanced metabolism
  • weight reduction
  • cardio and circulatory health
  • improved athletic performance
  • protection from injury

Moreover, since yoga is associated with stretching and flexibility, some types may be considered strength-building.

Mentally, this type of activity can help ease and manage stress. As much as we all know, stress is devastating both physically and mentally and its symptoms manifest in both aspects. According to the post, Dr. Nevins said, “Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration.”

It not only reduces stress but also reduces anxiety which helps in improving our mental health.

In short, yoga is beneficial for our overall health.


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