Common Health Beliefs Explained By Health Expert Doc Willie Ong

Common Health Beliefs

Here are some explained common health beliefs. COMMON HEALTH BELIEFS – Health expert Doc Willie Ong shared some of the most common health beliefs and revealed the truth behind it. As we grow up, we were introduced to many health beliefs that these beliefs have been passed already from a generation to another generation. However, … Read more

CORONAVIRUS TIPS – Doc Willie Ong Says Don’t Panic

Coronavirus Tips

Here are some coronavirus tips from Doc Willie Ong amid the outbreak. CORONAVIRUS TIPS – Doc Willie Ong shares some more and helpful tips amid the coronavirus outbreak and the declared public health emergency in the country. As of early morning of March 10, there are already 24 confirmed cases in the country and the … Read more

SAFETY TIPS – How To Stay Safe From Germs Of Dirty Money?

Safety Tips

Safety tips to avoid health problems from germs coming from money. SAFETY TIPS – Health expert Doc Willie Ong shared some important tips to stay safe when it comes to germs coming from dirty money. Money is just as valuable but this can be a major source of different types of germs, dirt, and viruses. … Read more

Cancer Types Developed By Excessive Consumption Of Alcoholic Drinks

Cancer Types

Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks can increase risk to develop these cancer types. CANCER TYPES – Here are the types of cancer which can likely be developed just by drinking too much of alcoholic drinks and beverage. We all know that alcoholic drinks are bad for the health. However, for some apparent reasons, many people … Read more

HEALTH TIPS: What To Do With Extreme Fatigue and Exhaustion?

Health Tips

Health tips regarding fatigue and exhaustion. HEALTH TIPS – Doc Willie Ong discusses important details regarding extreme fatigue and exhaustion what you should do about it. There are a lot of factors that make us tired and exhausted may it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. Poor sleep and stress greatly contributes to this. Poor sleep … Read more

Nail Problems and What It Says About Your Health?

Nail Problems

Nail problems to see and its indications about your health. NAIL PROBLEMS – Here are some tips and indications that the texture and color of your nails tell something about your overall health. Our body is wonderful and a mystery. It has its ways to tell us if something is wrong in our health or … Read more

HEALTH TIPS – Color Of Your Vomit and Its Indications

Health Tips

Some health tips about the color of your vomit and its indications. HEALTH TIPS – Here are some health tips about the color of your vomit and what it is trying to tell you on your current situation. Vomiting is a way where the body releases viruses, bacteria, or parasites in your digestive system through the … Read more