Dark Red Menstrual Blood – This Is What It Means

DARK RED MENSTRUAL BLOOD – This is the reason behind the dark red color of your menstrual blood and the meaning of the other colors.

The changes in period blood color are normal and it is because of several factors. And believe it or not, dark red, brown, or black period blood is normal and the color is just because of its reaction to a certain element. Find out this element and the reason behind the other colors.

Menstrual Blood Color – What It Means?

What to know about menstrual blood color? Check out some details below.

MENSTRUAL BLOOD COLOR – What does the color of your period mean? Many factors can affect the color and this is what the color means.

Some women have started their period early and through the years, they know for sure that the color changes. And those who have just started their period often get worried as to why the color of their blood changes. They’re worried if having it lighter or darker than usual is okay or not.

Menstrual Blood Color
Photo lifted from inviTRA

But generally, changes in menstrual color are actually just a normal thing. The normal shades actually range from red and brown. It can be bright red at the start and turn rusty brown at the end of the cycle or the other way around.

The color changes to a darker shade due to the length it stays inside your uterus and vagina. It reacts with oxygen the reason why it becomes darker. The longer it is that it stays inside the body, the darker it gets.

Here are the various menstrual blood color and what it means:

  • Pink – this happens when you have a lighter period and this is also caused when your vaginal mucus discharge mixes with some fresh, bright red blood.
  • Bright Red – this happens when blood sheds quickly. You may also notice that during cramps, you get this kind of color and this is because the uterus contracts, and contractions lead to heavier blood flow.
  • Dark Red – this means that blood has stayed inside the body longer and reacted to oxygen. Old-period blood may also appear in colors brown or black.
  • Orange, Gray, or Green – these colors could be a sign of an infection.

You may also notice some clots being discharged. When a clot appears large with very heavy bleeding, this could be a sign of menorrhagia.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this bleeding is usually heavy or the period lasts for more than 7 days.

When it comes to some problems with your period, you should seek medical advice once you experience these signs:

  • unusual vaginal discharge
  • irregular periods
  • post-menopause bleeding
  • missing three or more periods
  • foul-smelling odor down there
  • thick gray or white discharge
  • itching in or around the organ


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