What Is Psoriasis & the Signs You Must Not Ignore

Wondering What Is Psoriasis & the Possible Signs on the Skin?

WHAT IS PSORIASIS – Here are some details about this skin condition and the signs that you must not ignore.

Among the health conditions that many people are dealing with are skin conditions. In some cases, they were able to detect it early on thus the condition was addressed early but, in some cases, the diagnosis came quite late.

Usually, what happens under the latter is that the initial signs were ignored. The ignorance may be a product of unawareness about certain health conditions.

Let us talk about one of the skin conditions that affect a lot of people – psoriasis. What is it and what are the signs that hint you may be dealing with the said skin condition?

What Is Psoriasis
Photo Credit: Healthline

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition that leads the skin cells to multiply 10 times faster than the usual rate. It is a long-term skin condition that passes through cycles. It has no cure but the symptoms can be eased.

The signs you must not ignore:

  • red, itchy, scaly patches usually found on the knees, elbows, scalp, and trunk
  • small scaling spots
  • dry skin
  • cracked skin that itches and bleeds
  • thickened, pitted, or ridged nails
  • swollen joints
  • stiff joints

Based on an article on Mayo Clinic, the signs may vary from person to person. The affected areas are usually the elbows, legs, knees, lower back, scalp, face, palms, and the soles of the feet.

There are different types of psoriasis and this skin condition may target the different parts of the body. Based on the article, here are some of the types under this skin condition:

  • Plaque psoriasis – This psoriasis is usually characterized by skin patches that are dry and covered with silvery scales and they are usually found in the knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back.
  • Nail psoriasis – This affects the fingernails and toenails characterized by abnormal nail growth and nail discoloration.
  • Inverse psoriasis – This is characterized by smooth patches of red skin that are triggered by sweating, friction, and fungal infections.

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