Guide on Brown Rice Benefits for the Human Body
BROWN RICE BENEFITS – Are you wondering what brown rice can offer the body why there are a lot of people who prefer it?
The Filipinos is one of the races that love to eat rice. It is a staple food in the Philippines and many Pinoys eat rice at least three (3) times a day.
Unlike in other countries, in the Philippines, there are a lot of people who would prefer rice over bread for breakfast. Many individuals could not perform well throughout the day if they did not have a rice meal for breakfast.
Are you one of those who love to eat rice? White rice is the most prominent and widely-eaten variety of rice. However, white rice is also a source of carbohydrates which may not be healthy if taken in a large volume. That is why some people turn to other varieties of rice.

Are you wondering why many people prefer brown rice over white rice? There are a lot of brown rice benefits for the human body.
Brown Rice Benefits:
- Reduces risk of diabetes – Brown rice has low glycemic index meaning it does not cause a spike in the blood sugar level. White rice can increase the risk of diabetes.
- Healthy for the heart – Brown rice contains a lot of nutrients including dietary fiber and magnesium that help promote a healthy heart. Magnesium also reduces the risk of stroke.
- Promotes healthy weight control – Brown rice contains a lot of dietary fiber that can help control weight by making a person feel full longer while taking in fewer calories.
- Powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients – Based on the article on Web Md, this variety of rice contains protein, fiber, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and Vitamins B1 and B6.
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