Here’s a list of bad habits from Doc Willie Ong you must avoid doing in order to maintain good health and look younger.
BAD HABITS – Famous medical expert Doc Willie Ong has these list of bad habits and unhealthy foods that make you look older and affect your health.
Our daily habits are great factors affecting our health and it says a lot about what we look like. Which is why you must develop habits that are productive and good for you wherein in the long run, your body will thank you for in the end.

Now, here are the bad habits and unhealthy foods affecting your appearance and health:
- You prefer meat than fruits and vegetables. Meat contains essential nutrients that the body needs but this must be eaten moderately. Those who eat fruits and vegetables tend to live longer.
- Prolonged sitting due to work can increase chances of developing heart diseases and cancer and affects levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.
- Being fond of eating sweets and sugary foods affects skin, contains lots of calories, and increases blood sugar level.
- Not doing any exercise affects overall health. Do moderate or brisk walking for at least 30 minutes everyday to avoid certain diseases.
- Eating too much carbohydrates such as from white rice, pasta, pizza, bread, and among others weakens immune system and causes weight gain.
- Not enough sleep and rest. The body need 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day to restore its energy.
- Not eating fish is depriving your body the nutrients it needs. You must eat fish at least thrice in a week.
- Being too stressed over your problems. Take it easy and make time to relax.
- Drinking too much alcohol destroys the liver and brain cells.
- Fried chicken, french fries, and among other fried dishes is not good for the body.
- Too much eating of processed meats because they are high in nitrates and these can possibly cause cancer.
- Burnt foods are cancerous.
- Smoking regularly and being addicted to it proven to have dangerous effects to the body.
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