What to know about urinary tract infection (UTI) on pregnant women?
URINARY TRACT INFECTION – Public health expert Doc Willie Ong shares something for pregnant women who has urinary tract infection or UTI.
According to a previous article about ways to prevent UTI or urinary tract infection, this particular condition is most common to women. They are at high risk because the urethra of a woman is shorter than that compared to a man.

And Doc Willie Ong says the same thing about UTI and it is accordingly being caused by bacteria that enters the body. Pregnant women have high chance to get UTI due to hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy. The uterus accordingly expands for the growing fetus which puts pressure to the bladder and the ureters.
The bacteria can enter the body through the following ways:
- the path where the urine goes out gets blocked because of the expanding uterus
- sexual intercourse
- Catheters
- bacteria that stays in the entrance after passing stools
Here are the symptoms:
- urgent or frequent need to urinate
- burning feeling while urinating
- urine is cloudy or is foul smelling
- there is blood in the urine
- pain in the lower back, abdomen, and sides
There are certain ways to avoid getting this condition and that include drinking plenty of fluids , not delaying the urge to urinate, wiping the right way which is from front to back, and maintaining cleanliness by washing before and after intercourse.
If this condition is left untreated, according to Health Line, it can affect your baby. Based on the article, any kind of infection while being pregnant has corresponding dangerous effects for you and the baby. Make sure to consult and see your doctor for proper medications.
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