Urinary Tract Infection – Tips To Avoid UTI or Urine Infection

What to do to avoid Urinary Tract Infection or UTI?

URINARY TRACT INFECTION – Doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong tackle tips and ways to avoid obtaining a Urinary Tract Infection or UTI.

The chances of Urinary Tract Infection is high to women this is because women have shorter urethras than men which makes bacteria get into the bladder easily. The urinary tract makes and stores urine to which urine is a waste product of the body. And the kidneys are a pair of fist-sized organs filter liquid waste from the blood and remove it from the body in the form of urine. 

Infections has stages and Stage 1 is called “colonization” where the bacteria enters through an opening from not washing the private part or wiping the right way. Then, if not treated, it will go up to the bladder and will cause pain if you are stopping yourself to urinate. Next, the dangerous part, it will go up through ureter and the stage 3, ascension, where bacteria goes to kidneys through the ureters and continue to infect it. And once it reaches the kidneys, there will be an infection of the renal parynchema causing an inflammatory response called Pyelonephritis.

Here are some tips and ways to avoid urine infection:

  • Drink a lot of water everyday at least 8 to 10 glasses to flush off bacteria.
  • Don’t delay your micturition. If you feel like urinating, let it go immediately so as to avoid infection.
  • For girls, the correct wipe after a bowel movement is from front to back.
  • Wash your part before and after an intercourse. Before sleeping, make sure to drink water and urinate.

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