SIGNS OF A HEART ATTACK – Doc Willie Ong shares the early warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack in men and women.
Myocardial infarction or heart attack happens when the heart doesn’t get enough blood. There are several risk factors for this like certain conditions, your lifestyle, and your age. Your family history can also determine your risk for heart disease and heart attack.
Heart Attack Signs: Here Are The Early Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack
Here are some heart attack signs according to Doc Willie Ong.
HEART ATTACK SIGNS – Health expert Doc Willie Ong shared some early warning signs that determines a heart attack to a person.
Among the deadliest diseases that have killed numerous lives is heart attack. This is which is why the heart should be taken cared of properly. And in order to determine if one is suffering from this condition, a public health expert shared some early warning signs to help you identify it.

Here are the indicated early warning signs of a heart attack according to Doc. Willie Ong:
- Chest Pain or Pressure
- Difficulty in Breathing
- Fatigue
- Changes in Heartbeat
- Dizziness
- Continuous Sweating
- Nausea or Indigestion
A heart attack is also called as myocardial infarctions. This is a serious medical condition which needs immediate attention. The attack happens when the blood flow to the heart is blocked which is, often times, caused by fat, cholesterol, and others. Some attacks are sudden and intense.
However, good thing about the technology, the treatment for this condition has dramatically improved through the years. The attacks could be mild or severe. Age, smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, diabetes, obesity, stress, illegal substances, lack of physical activity, and many others are some of the common risk factors of a heart attack.
Meanwhile, in ea previous article, here are some ways to help you take care of your heart:
- proper oral health
- have a pet dog
- laughing
- eat bananas
- enough sleep and rest
- avoid strong emotion such as feeling angry
- have a good company
- be in love with the right person
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