Here are some proven eye health tips to prevent vision problems and complications.
EYE HEALTH TIPS – Here are some of the proven to be effective eye health tips which can you help you prevent problems and complications in your vision.
Every single part of body play a vital and essential role in a person’s life. This is which is why we must take extra care to each and every part as well. And as for our eyes, there are certain tips and ways so as not to cause any problems with our vision.

According to Doctor Joseph Allen, here are some essential secrets to take care of your eyes:
- Lower cholesterol level. Watching and maintaining a low cholesterol level is good for your health and just as good for your eyes as well. A high cholesterol level and eating foods with saturated fats increases risk of age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration. Other conditions could be diabetes and high blood pressure which causes various retinal diseases in the eye.
- Increase good fats. Including good fats in your diet such as Omega 3 fatty acids has good effects for the health and the eyes and one source of this good fat is salmon fish. This prevent retinal disease and eventually decreases risk of other complications.
- Antioxidant rich food. Eating foods which have high level of antioxidants containing eye beneficial contents such as Vitamin C and E, zinc, zeaxanthin, and lutein, aid processes in the eyes to keep it healthy. These antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables.
- Eye supplements. Considering of taking eye vitamins if you are having some little difficulty in eating your greens is the best option. And there’s a lot of these out in the market.
- Quit smoking. Smoking is absolutely bad for your overall health and that includes the eyes. This causes blindness, dry eyes, and you are likely to develop a condition called Thyroid Eye Disease.
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