Effects of Not Eating Chocolate for 2 Weeks
CHOCOLATE – Jennifer Maldonado, a lover of chocolates, shared that she stopped eating it for two (2) weeks and she got some fine results.
Undeniably, one of the common favorites of many people are chocolates. It is the perfect stress reliever for many individuals who are facing big challenges in school, at work, in their relationships, etc.
Chocolates are undeniably delicious. They can come with different intensities of sweetness, with add-ons like nuts, sprinkles, and crispies, and can be eaten at any time of the day.
In fact, there are people who would be happy to have chocolates right after every meal as long as there is. Some even have it as a perfect buddy while studying for the examinations as it is known to have positive effects in keeping a person awake.

Are you one of those who love to eat chocolates? However, behind its delicious taste and relieving nature, there are also some effects that may convince you to eat chocolate but in a moderate manner.
Based on an article on Eat This, Not That, a chocolate lover, Jennifer Maldonado, revealed the effects on her after she skipped eating chocolates for two (2) weeks.
According to Jennifer, prior to it, there was not a time when her diet did not include chocolates. She welcomes it “in any form”.
Jennifer admitted that it was hard at first when she decided to skip eating chocolates. Her body is looking for sugar and she could always find herself thinking and longing for it and the challenge is doubled knowing that her cookies, peanut M&Ms, and granola bars are just a few steps away from her.
Meanwhile, she was able to stand not getting to the chocolate corner for two (2) weeks. After it, she noticed an improvement in her skin. She usually has big, painful acne breakouts when she was still into chocolates.
After skipping chocolates for two (2) weeks, Jennifer noticed that although she still has little breakouts, those were not big and painful anymore. They can get away with some creams.
Will she eat chocolates again? The answer is yes but in moderation. According to her, after two (2) weeks, she had a mini snack-size Hershey’s. After it, it took three (3) days before she ate chocolate again.
READ ALSO: Eating Dark Chocolate Before Bedtime? Here’s Why You Must Stop It