Details about Kidney Problem w/ Affects Many People
KIDNEY PROBLEM – You can check the guide below for the common causes, signs, treatment, and meal plans for people with kidney disease.
Kidney problems have become some of the diseases nowadays that target a lot of people. Many individuals, regardless of age and gender, are suffering from kidney failure and have to undergo dialysis.

What is a kidney problem?
A kidney problem refers to the failure of either one or both of the kidneys to perform the way it normally does. It can be caused by several factors including an unhealthy lifestyle. The most popular kidney disease is kidney stone. There are four (4) types of stone that can form in these bean-like organs that helps in the filtering of waste products inside the body. There types of stones are:
- Calcium Oxalate Stones
- Calcium Phosphate Stones
- Uric Acid Stones
- Cystine Stones
A failure of one or both kidneys to perform best can be initially noticed through certain signs. Here are the symptoms of kidney problem:
- Swollen ankles and feet
- Sleeping difficulties
- Itchy skin
- Blood in urine
- Protein deposits around the eyes
- Back pain

What to avoid if you have a kidney problem
There are a lot of foods and ingredients that you must avoid if your kidneys are not healthy – or at least one of them is not. The very first to avoid is salt. It is one of the best tips on how to avoid kidney failure. Here are the others you should avoid:
- limit high-oxalate foods such as spinach, rhubarb, almonds, cashews, baked potatoes with skin, beets, okra, french fries, raspberries, sweet potatoes, and among others
- limit foods containing high sodium content like canned foods, packaged meats, fast foods, and condiments
- avoid taking too much vitamin C for it can produce oxalate
- limit eating animal protein such as beef, pork, eggs, cheese, and fish
- foods that can make urine more alkaline such as fresh fruit juices (except orange, cranberry, and nectarine), vegetable juices, and molasses
- avoid sugary drinks
- avoid alcoholic drinks as it can strike up your uric acid levels in your blood as per an article on Web MD.
The treatment for a kidney problem depends on the severity of the situation. A doctor may recommend a patient to undergo dialysis sessions depending on the diagnosis.
What to eat if you have a kidney problem?
It is best for individuals with a kidney problem to stay away from salt in flavoring your food. Instead of salt, you can use herbs and spices. You can follow a meal plan for kidney disease so it would be easier to think and plan out what to prepare for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.