What are the hiccups causes and how to stop this?
HICCUPS CAUSES – How can you treat a certain symptom called hiccups and what are the factors that cause this particular condition?
Funny and yet annoying at the same time are the hiccups. Everyone surely experiences this condition where a strange little sound comes from the inside and something is tightening within the chest. And this happens just suddenly without any warning.

According to Health Line, hiccups are defined as “repetitive, uncontrollable contractions of the diaphragm muscle”. The diaphragm is accordingly the muscle found below the lungs and the boundary between chest and abdomen. This condition’s medical term is “Singultus”.
Here are the possible causes of hiccups:
- overeating
- eating spicy food
- drinking alcoholic beverages
- drinking carbonated beverages like sodas
- consumption of very hot or very cold foods
- the sudden change in air temperature
- swallowing of air while chewing gum
- excitement or emotional stress
- aerophagia where you swallow lots of air
Now, in the said article, there are several ways and techniques in order to stop hiccuping. See below:
- breathing into a paper bag
- a teaspoon of granulated sugar
- holding your breath
- drinking a glass of water
- pulling hard on your tongue
- lift the uvula with a spoon
- purposefully gasp or belch
- position yourself with your knees bending on your chest
- close your mouth and nose and exhale forcibly
- relax and try breathing slowly and in controlled pace

Hiccups can be cured or resolved immediately and rarely needs medical attention. However, if it lasts more than three hours, you should see a doctor. As stated in the causes, avoid overeating, eating too quickly, or drinking too much in order to help prevent hiccups.
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