Health Tips: Signs That You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

Here are some health tips and signs to look out for indicating you’re eating too much sugar.

HEALTH TIPS – These are the signs and indications you must know telling that you are eating too much sugar and getting addicted to it.

Weight gain, poor skin health, and high blood pressure are just among the many adverse effects of eating too much sugar and sweet foods. Sugar, on the other hand, is an important source of energy for the body such as for your brain and nervous system but it must be consumed with the right amount.

Health Tips Sugar Addiction
Photo MyFitnessPal Blog

There are two main sources of sugar: the natural and the processed. The natural can be found in whole, natural foods such as fruits and also vegetable like carrots, beets, squash, zucchini, and onions. And the processed is the type found in sugar cane.

And foods like soft drinks, fruit drinks, milk-based drinks, cakes, cookies, pies, desserts, ice cream, ice-pops, and among others have added sugar which is bad for you.

Here are the symptoms and signs that you are consuming too much:

  • Digestive issues and irregular bowel movements.
  • A break out around mouth and chin.
  • Moody and irritable and some studies have linked this to mood disorders like depression. 
  • Since it can spike up your energy, consuming will result in difficulty in having a good sleep and rest.
  • Premature wrinkles on the face, making you look older.
  • You get cavities. This is a no-brainer because sugar is a major factor causing tooth decay.
  • When you get sugar, you crave more for it because it gives off your brain a feel-good vibe and it will want to have that sensation again.
  • Always hungry.
  • It’s not easy to lose weight.


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