List of Foods that Boost Height or Help Maintain It
FOODS THAT BOOST HEIGHT – Here is a guide on the foods that can help make you taller or maintain your height.
Undeniably, a lot of people are conscious about their height thus they wanted to make sure they get to eat the right foods for it. There is actually nothing wrong about monitoring your growth and your diet. In fact, it is an edge.
However, with regards to the height of a person, genetics really play a huge role as to how tall a person can grow. There are no foods that boost height in a really amazing way.

The best thing that you can do is to aid your growth with the right foods to secure you get to the maximum height. Also, once you have achieved the maximum height, it is best to maintain it with the help of certain foods as well.
Despite that there are no foods that boost height, based on an article on Healthline, here is a list of the foods that can help you achieve your maximum growth or maintain how tall you are:
- Beans – It is loaded with protein that helps achieve healthy development. Together with iron, it is essential in the tissue growth as well.
- Chicken – This meat contains Vitamin B12 which is linked to growing taller or maintaining the height. It also has taurine, an amino acid that helps in the formation and growth of the bones.
- Almonds – This nut is a powerhouse of a lot of nutrients and vitamins needed by the body. It is high in manganese, fiber, and magnesium among other.
- Leafy Green Vegetables – Veggies including cabbage, spinach, and kale contain a lot of nutrients including magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and Vitamin C.
- Yogurt – Another food that is a good source of protein which is essential for the growth of the body is yogurt. Based on the article, certain types of yogurt also got probiotics which re good for the gut health.
- Eggs – Aside from protein, another thing that has a close link to growth and development of the body is Vitamin D which is essential for healthy bones. Both of them can be found in eggs.
READ ALSO: Guide on Ideal Weight Based on Your Height As to Dr. Willie Ong