Here are some causes why false-positive pregnancy test happens in some cases.
FALSE-POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST – These are some important things to know about the causes of a false-positive pregnancy test.
Being pregnant is a different kind of feeling and to most women, a next-level kind of happiness. However, what can make such an incident emotional and confusing at the same time is when one gets a false-positive result from the test. This kind of chance is common even though some OTC tests and home pregnancy tests claim they are “99 percent accurate”.

What causes a false-positive result? There are actually several as to why does it happen such as testing too early, using a test incorrectly, and at times, an effect of some medications.
Check out some possible reasons below:
- You have a chemical pregnancy.
Some causes are unknown but in some cases, it is typically caused by a fertilized egg but did not progress - Ectopic pregnancy.
This happens when a fertilized egg gets stuck on its way to your uterus and grows somewhere else which is usually in the fallopian tube. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg is attached to the lining of your uterus. - After a miscarriage or abortion.
During pregnancy, the HCG levels increase and eventually decrease but very slowly right after. It can remain in your urine for up to six weeks which makes a false-positive result possible. - Improper use of test or test is dysfunctional.
In the package, there are directions on how to use the kit properly which you must follow keenly. - Evaporation lines.
This kind of line could be left by the urine after the recommended time for reading the test. This is why closely following the direction and the indicated time is very vital. - Medication.
In some cases, medications such as injections to stimulate ovulation in women has HCG in them. This factor can potentially lead to a false-positive result. - Medical conditions.
Such conditions include urinary tract infection, kidney disease, ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer, and in rare cases, pituitary problems, as per an article from Healthline.
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