Lockdowns have been lifted and rainy season will soon approach, can coronavirus disease be carried by mosquitoes and transmit it to people?
CORONAVIRUS DISEASE – People have asked if it is possible for a mosquito to carry the coronavirus disease and then transmit it to other people.
COVID-19 is currently alarming with how highly contagious and dangerous this could possibly be once a person gets infected. It affects the respiratory system and other studies show that it also affects other organs. Those with underlying medical condition are at high risk to get the virus.

Despite the increasing numbers, lockdowns have been lifted and rainy season is soon coming. This season, aside from flood and wet, also comes with the mosquitoes being rampant. With the thought that a mosquito is able to bite one to another, could this also be possible that a mosquito bite can infect a person with coronavirus?
According to Health.com, it is unlikely as per World Health Organization (WHO). There have been no evidence yet that a bite of a mosquito can spread the disease. Health authorities indicated that COVID-19 is spread through droplets through coughing and sneezing. This is why wearing face mask is strictly implemented.

A mosquito can accordingly be infected if the blood it feeds on has the virus. And according to the article, a postdoctoral researcher in the department of microbiology, immunology, and pathology at Colorado State University, Emily Gallichotte, PhD, says that the virus “rarely gets into the blood”.
What’s alarming about mosquitoes is the dengue virus from the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti to which some of its symptoms include high fever, muscle and joint pains, nausea, vomiting, rash, and among others.
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