Here are some things you need to know about the blood clot symptoms you must not ignore.
BLOOD CLOT SYMPTOMS – These are some of the important things you probably don’t know yet about blood clots and it’s warning signs.
The blood from liquid state turning to gel-like or semisolid is a clump or clot. In instances such as being injured or suffering from a cut, a clot helps in preventing you from losing a lot of blood.

However, the clot formed within the veins can be very dangerous and might put you in a life-threatening situation. What makes a lot becomes an emergency concern is when it travels through your veins to your heart and lungs and eventually prevents blood flow. As much as we all know, blood flow is the process where the body’s vital organs receive enough oxygen and nutrients for their proper function.
If the clot is in artery, it can give you a heart attack or a stroke. And if it is in vein, it can cause pain and swelling.
Here are some symptoms of this you must not ignore:
- Swelling – this is because the blood flow is slowed down or stopped resulting in building up, thus, the swelling.
- Changes in skin color – if there’s a clot in your arms or legs, the skin may appear bluish or reddish.
- Pain – the clot is painful depending on where it located as it could be in the chest, lower leg, stomach, or under your throat.
- Difficulty in breathing – this could be dangerous as it can possibly a lot in your lung or your heart.
Factors like age, long travel, being sedentary for long periods of time, obesity, pregnancy, family history, smoking, and cancer can put you at risk to have this as per an article from Heathline.
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