Sweet Cravings – How To Stop This?

Have you been having some sweet cravings? Here are some tips on how to stop this.

SWEET CRAVINGS – Have you been recently craving sugar? Have you wondered why this is happening? Here are some things to know.

Why am I craving sweets? Why do I crave sugar?

A scoop of ice cream, a handful of sugar-coated chocolates, a slice of cake, or a couple of cookies might be good, but indulging more than often is a clear sign of craving than a once-in-a-while treat. The body functions like a car and without the fuel, it can manifest strong physical cravings.

This fuel must come from  high-fiber carbohydrates, lean protein, and heart-healthy fats. What most people don’t realize is that sugar is addictive but why do we crave it? Firstly, it tastes good and sugar releases brain chemicals, like serotonin that makes us feel good leaving us wanting for more.

Some of the reasons included being conditioned as your body got used to it, being stressed, lack of sleep, due to period, and among others.

How to tame the sugar cravings:

  1. Give in but take a little. Do not deny yourself what you’ve been wanting but be mindful of the portion.
  2. Be creative and combine food. For example, eating a banana dipped in chocolate – you feel full, at the same time, you satisfy your cravings.
  3. Try chewing gum. If you find yourself searching for some sugar, take out a stick of gum as based on research, this can curb your sugar cravings.
  4. If you want sweets, reach out for some fruits. They are not just sweet but also healthy and packed with fiber and nutrients.
  5. If you’re thinking again of eating something sweet, get up and go. Change your scenery to divert your attention.

There are some foods and drinks that may also help like berries, dark chocolates, snack bars, chia seeds, yogurt, dates, sweet potatoes, sugar-free sodas, eggs, trail mix, fermented foods, whole grains, and vegetables.

Occasional indulgence to sweets is good and something you should not feel guilty about. However, if things are getting out of control, do the classic move of taking a closer look at your diet.

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