Explanation on Popular “Soda for Upset Stomach” Claim That Continues To Live
SODA FOR UPSET STOMACH – Here is a guide on whether or not drinking softdrinks helps ease an upset stomach.
Undeniably, despite the advancement in the field of medicine now, several myths concerning the health continues to live on. These are usually passed on by word of mouth and, with no further questioning, many of us willingly believe them.
Have you experienced being told to drink soda when your stomach was not doing well? Did you drink a lot of it instead of the substances that can really replenish the glucose and the fluid you are losing?

Undeniably, one of the most popular health myths is the “soda for upset stomach” claim. Because of it, a lot of people bought softdrink over the counter instead of drinks loaded with potassium and electrolytes.
Does soda really helps ease an upset stomach? Based on an article on The New York Times, British researchers conducted a study to check on the veracity of this popular claim.
Amid its popularity and the fact it continues to live for decades, no scientific evidence was found to back the claim that drinking softdrinks help relieve an upset stomach. In fact, based on the article, it can do more harm than good.
The researchers did a biochemical analysis and found that soda contains very low sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes. With regards to its glucose content, it contains seven times the amount of glucose suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO).
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