Fried Foods – What Happens If You Eat This Everyday?

This is what can happen to you if you continue to eat fried foods frequently.

FRIED FOODS – They are undeniably delicious and part of many cuisines, however, too much of them can lead to these unpleasant effects.

What are fried foods?

They are the ones cooked in hot oil and dehydrated. They are crispy, dry, and golden which makes them very tempting to eat every time. Among the well-loved are French fries, fried chicken, and mozzarella sticks. These along with the others absorb oil resulting in a high-fat product, high cholesterol, and high calorie content.

Obviously, foods cooked in deep oil are harmful. They are high in saturated and trans fats which are known for raising blood cholesterol levels and damage the walls of the arteries. Research shows that too much consumption can lead to a higher risk of having a major cardiovascular incident, by 28%, like a heart attack. Not only it is harmful to the heart, but also as harmful to the entire health.

What happens if you eat this everyday?

  1. You may suffer from bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Greasy foods contain high amounts of fat and fat is the slowest to be digested.
  2. It may negatively impact your gut microbiome affecting fiber digestion, immune response, weight regulation, gut health, and heart health.
  3. Large amount of fats in greasy foods can largely contribute to weight gain and obesity.
  4. It can raise your risk of diabetes.
  5. Eating greasy foods is linked to breakouts and acne.

Grilling, boiling, roasting, and steaming foods are the best approaches when it comes to cooking. If possible, it is best to reduce your fast-food intake. If frying is really a part of your lifestyle, at least use the safest and most stable oils for frying such as the coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil.

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