Foods High In Cholesterol – What To Eat and What To Avoid

Here are the foods high in cholesterol that you must eat and must not eat,

FOODS HIGH IN CHOLESTEROL – We need cholesterol and not all foods that have this are created the same and here are some things to know.

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance in the blood and oftentimes, people gasp when hearing this as this is known to be dangerous. It has two main types: ‘good’ cholesterol or the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and ‘bad’ cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

You need cholesterol. This is a crucial thing we need that is used to build hormones, cells, and vitamins to keep you alive and healthy. However, many people have the impression that cholesterol is bad but as mentioned, some are not and not all food with this substance are created equal.

Unhealthy fats are:

  • processed or deli-style meats (such as ham, bacon and salami)
  • deep fried fast foods
  • processed foods (such as biscuits and pastries)
  • takeaway foods (such as hamburgers and pizza)
  • fat on meat and skin on chicken
  • ghee, lard and copha
  • coconut oil
  • palm oil (often called vegetable oil in products)cream and ice cream
  • butter
  • deep fried foods
  • baked goods (such as pies, pastries, cakes and biscuits)
  • takeaway foods
  • butter
  • foods that list ‘hydrogenated oils’ or ‘partially hydrogenated vegetable oils’ on the ingredients list

Healthy fats are:

  • soybean, sunflower, safflower, canola oil, and margarine spreads made from these oils
  • pine nuts, walnuts and brazil nuts.
  • fish
  • tahini (sesame seed spread)
  • linseed (flaxseed) and chia seeds
  • cooking oils made from plants or seeds, including: olive, canola, peanut, sunflower, soybean, sesame and safflower
  • avocados
  • olives
  • unsalted nuts such as almonds, cashews and peanuts.

It is also safe to eat egg, cheese, shellfish, pasture-raised steak, organ meats, sardines, and full-fat yogurt. If you have a high cholesterol level, among the best ways to lower it include eating more foods with fiber, being physically active, lose excess weight, and eating more produce such as fruits and vegetables.

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