Guide on the Best Time To Drink Milk To Obtain Its Maximum Benefits for the Body
BEST TIME TO DRINK MILK – Here is a guide on the perfect time for drinking milk to get its benefits for the body.
Milk is known as one of the healthiest drinks for the body. It is a source of calcium which is needed in growing healthy bones and lowering the risk of bone problems like osteoporosis.
However, truths be told that not everyone can take the taste of milk. There are really people who finds drinking just one (1) cup already a huge struggle. Are you one of these people?
If you are not into milk for its, maybe its benefits can change your stand. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and minerals like protein, carbohydrates, fats, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and Vitamin D.

Based on an article on Healthline, drinking milk can help you obtain a healthy weight loss and muscle building. It is because of its protein content.
The magnesium and potassium content of milk is excellent in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level. They are only a few of what it can do aside from strengthening the bones.
With regards to the best time to drink milk, based on healthline, in science, there is really no suggested time for milk consumption. But under Ayurvedic Medicine, it is best to consume cow’s milk in the evening.
The Ayuverdic school suggests evening as the best time to drink milk as it is considered as a sleep-inducing drink. Also, it is heavy to digest thus it is not a good idea to take it in the morning.
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