Guide on Best Foods before Exam to Enhance Memory
BEST FOODS BEFORE EXAM – Here is a guide on the best foods that you can eat before taking an examination for best memory performance.
Preparing for an examination best does not only include studying the lessons or the topics a lot. Praying fervently, getting enough rest, eating the right food, and exercising must also be part of the preparation.
It is important that you get enough rest so your mind can absorb and process the things you get when you are studying. A sleepy head may only waste your time during a review as it may not promise long-term recognition of what you are studying. It is also important that you still have physical work.
With regards to eating the right foods, do you know that there are the best foods before taking an exam?

Based on an article on Healthline, here is a list of some of the best foods before an exam:
- Berries – Fruits that belong to this category such as blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries are high in anthocyanins, a flavonoid compound that helps boost the academic performance and protects brain health.
- Citrus Fruits – The flavonoids in citrus fruits including rutin, hesperidin, naringin, and quercetin make fruits like oranges and grapefruits best foods before taking an exam.
- Dark Chocolate – This is undeniably one of the most popular food recommendation before taking an exam. It is because dark chocolate and other cocoa products are high in flavonoid that helps boost memory.
- Nuts – Based on the article, nuts are powerhouses of Vitamin E and zinc which are essential for healthy brains.
- Eggs – Referred as nature’s multivitamin, it contains the nutrients needed to boost the performance of the brain. It is a source of Vitamin B12, selenium, and choline.
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